Toxic Vapor Intrusions
Vapor intrusion (VI) is a process by which chemicals in soil or groundwater migrate to indoor air above a contaminated site. Toxins in these chemicals will then be released into the air and can cause serious damage to the human body.
Sometimes when you swear you smell something, it’s not in your head. You really are smelling something. However, worse yet are interior toxic vapors at concentrations so low you can’t smell them.
Typical entry points of toxic vapor intrusions into homes are: cracks in solid foundations, construction joints, cracks in walls, gaps in suspended floors, gaps around service pipes, cavities inside walls, and the water supply. Vapor intrusions can occur in areas that are not directly contaminated as well. If a contaminate gets into the groundwater it can flow great distances before being released into the air.
Some examples of toxic vapor intrusions include chlorine gas, nitrous gas and sulfurous gases. When breathed in, these gases can cause serious harm to the respiratory system and nervous system. In addition to being dangerous when breathed in these gases can also be flammable which can cause explosions in buildings.